From the Vault: Finding Your Company’s North Star with Barbara Yolles

podcast Sep 20, 2022


Barbara Yolles is best known for architecting brand and business solutions that change a company’s destiny.  During this episode we dig into the power of culture and how it drives profits.  Barbara also gives us her insight into how companies can focus on diversity, creating opportunities for every employee to be successful.  Finally, Barbara shares how she built a full-service, women-owned, brand transformation and business acceleration marketing company in just 18 months. 

With a marketing career that spans the realm of fast food giant McDonald’s to major ad agencies McCann North America and Campbell Ewald (as CMO at each), Barbara Yolles is best known for architecting brand and business solutions that change the destiny of a company. That, and rocking any number of pair of kickass shoes and handbags.

Barbara built in-house marketing teams, and comprehensive marketing programs and business strategies for financial giants TMS and United Wholesale Mortgage, both realizing significant multiples in revenue growth. In the agency world, Barbara led the marketing and advertising for major brands, including PNC Bank, Vanguard Mutual Funds, Johns Hopkins Medicine, TJ Maxx Corporation, Zipcar, World Gold Council, and many other nationally recognized companies.


You can learn more about Barbara at:


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