Mike Casavant: From COVID Lockdown Dream to Entrepreneurial Reality

Sep 27, 2022

Post-lockdown life has brought extreme changes to the way we work, play, and socialize. For many entrepreneurs, COVID was an opportunity to break out from the corporate structure to make a long-awaited business idea a reality. For entrepreneur Mike Casavant, his new startup challenge isn’t success, but sustainability. This week I’m sitting down with Mike to discuss the challenges of keeping a business moving forward after two years of success and making plans for a long-term legacy.

If you’re hitting the “post-pandemic burnout” of entrepreneurial life, listen to what Mike and I have to say about decision fatigue, being intentional with your time, and finding the right partners to make your dream a (sustainable) reality.

Mike Casavant is an American entrepreneur, record producer, and musician. He is the founder of Purrple Alien, a premier cannabis edibles company, and The Mad Jekyll, a men's streetwear brand.Casavant's creative endeavors began at a young age. He recorded and toured the world as a musician from the age of 22-27. In 2011, he founded Iron Force Athletics, a strength and conditioning business that grew to become a high-level online coaching program for Crossfit Athletes. In 2020 he launched Purrple Alien and 2021 The Mad Jekyll, two startups that embody his entrepreneurial spirit and outlandish creative vision.

You can connect with Mike via Instagram @purrple.alien and @themadjekyll


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  1. Take the free Have It All Assessment here: https://bit.ly/haveitallquiz
  2. Learn the four pillars of performance by reading my book, The Making of a Maverick: https://amzn.to/3oQ7wji
  3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlohiggins/
  4. Share your story of Having It All. Apply to be a guest on the podcast: https://bit.ly/marloguestapp

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